An Open Letter to the World
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An Open Letter to the World
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SWI - Strategic World Impact
Mission Organization Overcomes Hostilities, Attacks and Death Threats
Some have called him a real-life Indiana Jones. He has freed enslaved children, is marked for death by Islamic fundamentalists, has narrowly escaped death multiple times and has been an eyewitness to unspeakable suffering.His name is Kevin Turner, president of Strategic World Impact (SWI), an international mission organization headquartered in northeastern Oklahoma.
The ministry, which focuses on areas of war, disaster and Christian persecution, has sent humanitarian teams over the years to some of the most dangerous areas in the world including Iraq, Sudan, Burma, Pakistan and Afghanistan. “We’re the tip of the spear,” said Turner, who along with his wife, founded the organization in 1997. “There’s so much suffering in these areas and we’re willing to place our lives on the line to help those in need,” he added. Turner is all too familiar with the dangers. In the past, he has been fired upon by helicopter gunships, attacked by an angry mob in Africa and was moments away from being killed by Muslims who had put a contract out on his life. However, SWI, which is mainly comprised of specially trained Disaster Assistance Response Training (DART) teams, continues to press on despite the dangers. Earlier this year, they inaugurated a school in the heart of Islamic Pakistan where Muslim, Hindu and Christian children receive a faith-based education. Soon after its opening, the school was threatened and vandalized.
Turner contends his organization’s services are necessary and relevant due to events unfolding in the Middle East and other areas of the world. “With an exponential increase in war and natural disaster, it’s important to be on the front lines, sharing our faith and offering hope. Foods, blankets, shelter and medicine are used as a key to unlock the hearts of the oppressed,” he added. Turner often campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers, oppression, and atrocities he’s seen in his past 16 years of mission work, and has testified before the US Congress on several occasions. He concluded, “The things we experience and witness are unimaginable to most people. However, members of our teams continue their efforts in these difficult areas because they are willing to live for something greater than themselves.”
For more information, visit or call 877-786-8355
Work in areas where the body of Christ is persecuted the Gospel restricted, and areas where, due to hostile situations, the people face eternity each day.
Always seek to operate in areas where other groups have pulled out or aid has not yet been delivered.
Use DART (Disaster Assistance Response Teams) teams trained to make field evaluations and assessments to properly ascertain the needs of people and churches in targeted areas.
Attempt to alleviate human suffering through a strategic response that will include food, clothing, medicine, and/or shelter.
Use strategic response as a key to unlock the door of closed, restricted, and war-torn nations.
Assist in evangelizing a country during crisis situations.
Provide the Church with materials for Christian education and evangelism.
Partner with churches and parachurch organizations to assist with logistics, operations, and vision casting.
It is our prayer to be used by the Lord to encourage the body of Christ to further rise to the call of world evangelism, particularly in forsaken areas.
Like David facing down Goliath, we choose to "run to the battle" rather than flee from it. "David left his things with the keeper of supplies, ran to the battle lines and greeted his brothers." 1 SAMUEL 17:22
For more information, visit or call 877-786-8355.
Technorati:evangelism,strategic world impact,christian aid,persecution,christian volunteer,missionaries,volunteer
Jn 6:51-58
Jesus said to the crowds:
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven;
whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give
is my flesh for the life of the world.
”The Jews quarreled among themselves, saying,
“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”
Jesus said to them,
“Amen, amen, I say to you,unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life,and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food,and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died,whoever eats this bread will live forever.”
This Gospel message needs to first have a written act of Thanksgiving before I begin this sermon. "Lord Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice in order to cover my unrighteousness, Lord thank you for suffering an unbelievably painful torture and crucifixion by this world in order to save those who would have the courage and faith to learn what You did and why You did it. Lord thank you. Lord thank you for the right of communion."
In these verses, Jesus is announcing to the CROWD OF PEOPLE (plenty of witnesses here) the same instruction that he gave to us at the Last Supper which is an event that HAS NOT taken place yet. This is another instruction of communion given by the Messiah, Jesus Christ. It is an instruction to make those realize who dare to hear and see that Jesus is the one who gave the Jews in the desert the manna to eat AND it is Jesus who was the One who gave the Jews the instructions of the Passover. Jesus in the verse we just read is foreshadowing the event that will grant believers eternal life, the event Jesus is foreshadowing will come soon...His crucifixion.
There is a lot to talk about in this one chapter of John, so I want to talk about just two important points in this one short reading: the significance of the blood and flesh and the right of taking communion.
First, why is Jesus speaking about blood and bread as flesh? The Jews in this verse who are listening to Jesus hear Him give an order to eat His flesh and blood and are put off by His words. These people are thinking "Who is this man...Jesus"? They fail to remember that Jesus just fed 5,000 people with 2 loaves and 5 fish the day before and thousands witnessed this miracle with the Twelve Apostles.
BUT remember that the Twelve Apostles have not yet sat and had the Last Supper with our Lord. The Jews listening to Jesus fail to recognize Jesus as the One who gave the instructions of the Passover.
In the book of Exodus, Passover was an instruction to the Jews that if followed, prevented the Angel of Death from killing the firstborn by "passing" over their house and not killing the firstborn inside that house. The blood on the doorway was the mark that the Angel of Death saw, recognized, and promptly passed over. The flesh of the sacrificial lamb was feasted on in order to give them strength for their upcoming ordeal.
I wonder how many of the Jews present which we read about in John 6 realized who Jesus was when they listened to Him that day. Would we know to recognize Him today if we heard these same words?
Christ's blood symbolizes the blood covering of Jesus's sacrifice which was shed at the crucifixion. Jesus is the Son of God who is the first manifestation of the Father. Jesus who is the Creator of all things seen and unseen, saw that all men and women could not follow the 10 Commandments PERFECTLY and thus could not enter heaven because of their unrighteousness. The Pharisees and Sadducees were the religious righteous of their day and they weren't getting into heaven because they were not worthy. Our Lord poured his Own blood out on this earth so that His blood could serve as the ultimate and final blood sacrifice in order to cover all of our past, present and future sins as long as we "believeth" or act in faith"ing" in Jesus. Our works are nothing without Him, we are nothing without Him, and we surely are not getting into heaven without Him!
The blood of Jesus covers your sin so that the Father can see you...the Father cannot see unrighteousness and without the covering of your sin by the Blood of the Son of God whose name is are unseen and unrighteous. TAKE NOTE AGAIN that the Gospel message we just read in John chapter 6 is before the crucifixion and BEFORE the Last Supper...the Jews don't know that the wine would be the chosen symbol of which we drink the blood of Jesus as an act of faith in which we remember how Jesus died, why Jesus died, and most importantly, what that means to us! The wine is symbolic of the blood Jesus spilled through suffering and torture in order for the men and women who come to Him may have eternal life!
Christ's flesh was sacrificed on the cross in order for us to have eternal life. It is to be remembered that Jesus the Son of God (who IS ALSO the anticipated Son of Man to the Jews but not recognized as such by these Jews)... gave His life for us. His body was sacrificed as the perfect sacrifice. No more Passover feasts will be necessary after His sacrifice because these feasts mean nothing. The One who instructed the Jews in the original Passover in the Book of Exodus is here in front of them preparing to become the ultimate and final sacrifice. His flesh is the perfect sacrificial flesh as the flesh of the sacrificial lamb is no longer worthy. He is replacing the Passover, the crowd assembled around Him right now don't realize it.
Again, this is BEFORE the Last Supper, but Jesus tells us at this time what the chosen symbol will be for his bodily sacrifice on the cross, it will be bread. The bread will be a remembrance that the Son of God Jesus, had to come down here to give His life for you in order to grant you the opportunity for eternal life.
The bread will serve to remind those who partake that he died and suffered in ten survived a Roman in ten survived a Roman lashing...He endured that and more in order to become the only worthy sacrifice for YOU TO HAVE THE ETERNAL LIFE.
Those who take communion need to know one thing...they need to understand that Jesus is the Messiah and is the only BRIDGE to heaven. They need to understand why it was necessary for Jesus to die for us. They need to understand that blood is the only worthy covering for sin, and Jesus covered our sin with His blood. They need to understand that Jesus sacrificed His body in replacement of the sacrificial lamb and the wine and bread symbolize this Truth.
HOWEVER, Communion should not be refused to anyone who wants to take it...for we all are growing in faith"ing", and no one is worthy in God's eyes but Jesus is worthy! The act of communion is between you and God. It is personal and a worthy act of faith. There is absolutely no reason to go to a church, a priest, or any human in order to take communion unless you want a fancy chalice and "blessed" wafers. Communion is a personal act of faith that should be done within the home just as the Jews practiced Passover in their own homes. I understand that the fellowship of church allows those who belong to a church to celebrate communion together BUT this belief that communion should only be performed in a church is erroneous.
Some can't take communion unless they are members of the church, or get only bread during the communion and not wine, or are hospitalized and can't receive communion without the permission of the governing board of the church! Satan knows how to interfere with acts of faith and communion is obviously one of his stomping grounds!
Jesus said: "This is my body"
Jesus said: "This is my blood"
Jesus said: "Do this in remembrance of Me"
Take a cup of wine and some kind of bread. If you want to follow instructions, take unleavened, broken bread and red wine. But, you are not going to be saved because you drank wine or grape juice or even orange juice. If that's the case, ask for a gallon of wine at the next communion in your local church and drink it all! This will allow you to figure out if red wine saves you or not. What you use is not important as much as consciously knowing why you are taking communion and what communion means to you.
Your focus on Jesus Christ is what is important. Jesus is your Savior...
1 Corinthians 11:24-29
and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes. Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.
How does someone eat the bread or drink the wine in an unworthy manner? You are already a must know that you are a perpetual sinner...but not knowing why you are taking communion makes this act of faith unworthy...and it is not a ritual to be repeated mindlessly.
God bless you and your families this week.
(Sermon by John H.)
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More ugliness and persecution of our brothers and sisters from more ugly religious fanatics. It is amazing that we receive more hateful comments celebrating the persecution of Christians than those renouncing the violence. Verily, these infidels will answer to Someone other than any worldly court...hang in there Christian brothers and sisters and remember the words of Our Lord:
Matthew 5:11
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me."
(Compass Direct)
A Christian girl has gone into hiding in Pakistan to escape Muslim in-laws who beat and raped her for fleeing her forced marriage and refusing to practice Islam. Asya Khadim, 15, won a divorce from her abusive Muslim husband in February and sought shelter with a local aid organization to avoid reprisal attacks. Khadim had been married to Tanveer Qadir for almost 13 months when her mother filed the divorce case on her behalf in January 2006. "They tried to force me to read the Quran," the Christian girl told Compass. "My husband beat me every day for two months because I refused." Khadim's case highlights ongoing national debate over the controversial Hudood Ordinances that some say encourage domestic violence against women.
Give thanks to the Lord that when Asya called to the Lord in her distress, He heard her and allowed her to escape her abusive in-laws.
Pray God will work a miracle of His grace to take away her memories of the suffering. Pray for Muslims everywhere to hear and receive the gospel of peace, the glad tidings of good things.
JOHN 15:18-19
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world therefore the world hates you.”
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Eph 4:30—5:2
Brothers and sisters:
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
with which you were sealed for the day of redemption.
All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling
must be removed from you, along with all malice.
And be kind to one another, compassionate,
forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.
So be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love,
as Christ loved us and handed himself over for us
as a sacrificial offering to God for a fragrant aroma.
This week I would like to explore the topic of love. I have put much thought into this over the years and have found that there is a great difference in what the Bible has to say about love and what the secular world has to say about love. As I’ve struggled through these differences in my mind,
I have come to the conclusion that:
a) the secular world has absolutely no idea what love is and
b) the GREAT majority of people (including Christians) have been brainwashed by the culture and the media to believe love to be something that it is not.
This should not come as a surprise though; God is the author of LOVE and those who do not know God cannot know what REAL love is. So what is love? Well, before you can understand what love IS, you must first understand what love IS NOT.
Point #1
The two most popular phrases, in my opinion, that has brainwashed the culture are “falling in love” and “making love”. I always have a problem with these two phrases whenever I hear them because they are completely man-made concepts that will not be found in the Bible and bear no truth. Man has designed phrases like these in order to try and explain what he does not understand.
QUESTION: So when you “fell in love” what exactly happened? You tripped and fell and all of the sudden, without warning, some mystical force called “love” took over you? AND how exactly do you MAKE love?
Let's look at this:
Does love = SEX? If God is Love (1 John 4:8)...then God is Sex?
God is a mystical force that creates an emotional response between two people?
Point #2
I am bothered by how the world has tried to degrade love to nothing more than a feeling or an emotion. We see this all the time in music lyrics, movies, etc. and it makes me sick. Now I’m not denying the reality of the emotion people call “love”. But that emotion IS NOT the essence of love. The feeling we get inside when we say we “love” someone should more correctly be called “infatuation”, “a deep longing for”, “a deep concern for”, “passionate about”, etc. These types of feelings are usually felt when you are very close to someone emotionally or have an emotional connection with another. These feelings are very natural but are nothing more than a physiological reaction in the brain. When you think of that particular someone, those thoughts cause a chemical reaction in the brain, which creates an emotion. Our thoughts control our emotions, therefore; emotions are subjective and cannot always be trusted.
So is love nothing more than an emotional response to a thought?
(Let’s also factor in that the English language has much to do with this misconception because of the lack of words available, unlike Greek and Hebrew)
In Closing...
So what is love? Love is an action. Love is a choice. Love is self-sacrifice.
How do you walk in love as the verse says?
ANSWER: “Imitate” God.
What actions are we imitating? Giving of ourselves to one another in service, being kind, being tenderhearted, by forgiving each other, by being patient with each other, by not envying, by not boasting, by not rejoicing in another person’s failures, by showing compassion. Anyone can say, “I love you.” But those words have no substance if not shown by their actions. Bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling are the opposite of love and spring forth from our sinful nature, not from the new nature we have been given in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Remember, Jesus (God) will NEVER ask you to do something that He hasn’t already done first.
Jesus told us.....
“ This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command.”
(John 15:12).
God Bless you and your families this week.
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Reading 1:
2 Pt 1:16-19
We did not follow cleverly devised myths
when we made known to you
the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,
but we had been eyewitnesses of his majesty.
For he received honor and glory from God the Father
when that unique declaration came to him from the majestic glory,
“This is my Son, my beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”
We ourselves heard this voice come from heaven
while we were with him on the holy mountain.
Moreover, we possess the prophetic message
that is altogether reliable.
You will do well to be attentive to it,
as to a lamp shining in a dark place,
until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
Let us look at several important truths in this reading from the Second Book of Peter. First, the very beginning of this reading contains the crux of faith within Christianity.
Are the Gospels and the New Testament books of the Bible fact or fiction? How many people are quick to say "I don't believe!" when they have not looked for themselves? How many call themselves Christians but in their heart have no idea who Jesus Christ is, and why he was crucified? How many Christians and non-Christians know how many prophecies Jesus fulfilled, what the bloodlines of Jesus are, why Jesus is the Son of God, why Jesus is the Son of Man, and why Jesus is the "I AM" the Creator of all?
As Peter answers the question of the unbeliever..."These are not clever myths"...
LOOK FOR YOURSELF. How many have looked? If you haven't looked, then how in your heart can you jump to the conclusion that the testimony of the Apostles, of the disciples, and of Christians, is fantasy? If the Creator of all things really did come down here and lived among us 2,000 years ago...shouldn't you take some time out of your life to look for yourself and look at what Jesus said?
I was an unbeliever once myself, but sought the Truth because I wanted the Truth. Knock and the door will be opened...but you have to knock!
The second point to reflect on is when Peter said that they were eyewitnesses to the majesty of Jesus and heard with their very own ears a voice that "came from heaven". This wasn't one person that heard this...this was many people that heard it. Have you ever heard the voice of heaven? These men walked with Jesus...I have no reason to disbelieve this than I have to believe it. But why wouldn't it be so? Why lie? What gain do the Apostles have in lying? Couple this reading with the whole testimony in the New Testament, and faith begins to grow in what is recorded history. If this recorded history is not enough for you to believe...then ask yourself what would you require in order to believe? What will make you believe that Peter and the Apostles are not liars? They are either liars or they are telling the truth. Either Jesus was the Son of God or He was not. But what do you need to decide for yourself?
I would think that if you watch the TV every night, you would care to take some time out of your busy life to find out...RIGHT?
Jesus fulfills over 300 prophecies of the coming of the Messiah in the Jewish Old Testament...300! Do you want to know how Jesus fulfilled them??
The third point to reflect on is this: Let me tell you about the Truth Peter wrote about and died for. Peter states in the reading "we possess the prophetic message that is altogether reliable". Why was it reliable? Because they lived it, they saw it, they witnessed it!
Do you know how Peter died?
He died by crucifixion under the ruler Nero in the pagan Roman Empire. The Acts of Peter speak of him being crucified upside down in order not to be associated with the way the Messiah, Jesus died. Under the mockery of the pagans, this man, Peter, who denied Jesus before three times could have given up and denied Jesus again, couldn't he? He died by crucifixion for being an apostle of Jesus, he could have denied him again to save his own life. He didn't.
Would you? If I gave you something, and you know I gave it to you because you saw it, you heard my voice, and you know you where consciously alert at the time I gave it yo you and someone told you that you were a liar, what would you say? You would stick to your guns and stand your ground....standing up for truth in the face of adversity. Now, if someone said to you that if you do not state that I never gave anything to you and if you don't say that, you will die....would you still stick to your guns if you knew that this person had the ability to kill you? Peter was faced with this scenario and didn't deny Christ a fourth time...and he died for it...and was CRUCIFIED UPSIDE DOWN for it. What was so important to Peter that he died crucified upside down?
It was this: That Jesus was the Son of God , the Messiah, who died for you and will grant eternal life for those that have faith in Him...
If you don't understand who Jesus was, and why He should look, you should read, you should ask the questions, you should pray for guidance and truth...
For those who are growing in faith, I ask you you still seek to know more? Do you still seek the truth, do you still seek to grow in faith? Would you lay your life down for the Truth? Would you lay your life down for Jesus?
Let me repeat the end of this reading again:
"You will do well to be attentive to it,as to a lamp shining in a dark place,until day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts"
My final comment is this: The only way to eternal life is through Jesus. Ask the questions and you will get the and you shall find.
God bless you and your families this week.
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