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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Book of Hebrews Chapter 4 PODCAST

Book of Hebrews Chapter 4 PODCAST
File size: 41MB Run time: 51 minutes

  This is a continued bible study podcast series on the Book of
Hebrews. Hebrews is a wonderful and enlightening book within the
New Testament and may seem difficult to read the first few times.
Grab your bible and read along with us as we explore, ask questions,
provide answers, and expound on the verses in Hebrews



  • 1)vs1-11:Rest:The writer continues from what he left in Chapter 3 about topic of the failure to enter into rest of the Israelites of the wilderness generation & admonishes the Hebrew Christians asking them to learn lessons from the History.
    i)The Israelites have heard the Gospel and the promises of God.(Ex.
    3:8,16;6:8).But they did not have faith and failed to enter into rest.The Gospel has been preached to the Hebrew Christians also.The writer warned that they must fear and see that they did not miss the rest promised to them due to unbelief.
    ii)The Israelites hardened their hearts and disobeyed the Word of God & failed to enter into rest.
    The Hebrew Christians must labor to enter into the rest.They must obey the Word of God and claim His promises.
    2)v12:Word of God.
    i)The word of God is having life.
    ii)It is a powerful weapon.It is a
    defensive as well as an offensive weapon.It helps to defend us from the attacks of Satan & to overcome sin.(Eph.6:17;Matt.4:4,7,10:Ps.119:11)and to win souls for Christ.(Acts 8:35)
    It transforms our lives.(2 Tim.
    3)v13:One day we have to stand before Christ and give account of our lives.(Rom.14:10;2 Cor.5:10)
    4)Jesus our High Priest:(vs.14-16)
    The writer continues the subject of Priesthood of Jesus Christ& carried it up to the end of the doctrinal section of the book.
    Our High priest is the Son of God who rose from the dead and entered into the heavens.(Heb.13:10;9;24)
    11)Jesus was tempted in all points like as we are,yet without sin.He knew no sin.He did no sin.In Him is no sin.((2 Cor.5:21;1 Pet.2;22;1 John 3:5)He knows our weaknesses & infirmities.He is able to help us.
    iii)The writer closes this Chapter by encouraging to go boldly into the throne of grace to obtain grace &mercy in time of need.Under the Law,the High Priest entered into the Holy of Holies where the Mercy Seat -the place of residence of God- was placed (above the ark of Covenant) once a year,on the day of Atonement to perform the service.
    (Lev.16)Because of the atonement made by Jesus Christ,we are having the privilege of entering into the presence of God.(Rom.5:1,2)

    By Blogger Alex, at 10:54 PM  

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