U.S. Chaplain Policy: Satan- YES...Jesus- NO
Only a heathen nation would consider the thought that military CHAPLAINS are forbidden to pray in the name of Jesus Christ! This is a downright attack on Christianity and is veiled as some sort of "protection" for people of other religions. These other religions have representation in the military, but there is NO LOGICAL POINT to this argument of preventing someone or anyone to pray! How dare they! Heathen communists! We have first amendment and GOD GIVEN RIGHTS TO PRAY whatever we want, whenever we want. What is the difference between communist China and the U.S. when it comes to actions like this?
I will NOT FIGHT OR STAND BY a country that would penalize ANYONE for praying in the name of Jesus Christ! I will not tolerate other religious CRAP and FALSE TRUTH when someone in any part of this government tries to regulate a Christian prayer. Back off people! Go after radical Islamic fundamentalists that want you killed and religious cults that sacrafice cats and have sex with dogs BEFORE EVER ATTEMPTING to attack any facet of Christianity! YOU HEAR?
READ ARTICLE: Navy Chaplain Begins Hunger Strike
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, comments, "I join with Chaplain Klingenschmitt in this hunger strike as we stand for religious freedom and challenge President Bush to issue an executive order allowing chaplains to pray according to their faith traditions. By forbidding Rev. Klingenschmitt to pray in the Name of Jesus, the government is crushing the First Amendment and trampling on religious liberty. It should never be the role of government to dictate to Americans or clergy on how they are to pray."
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