The Parable of the Pearl (Matthew 13:44-46)
The Parable of the Pearl in Mat.13:44-46
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure"
Heaven is not some high plane of existence or foreign land, it will be a "new heaven and a new earth" (2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 21:1). Heaven is already here but not fulfilled in its entirety. The NEW earth will be paradise restored as it should have been in the beginning.
Treasure is defined as a precious possession. We strive as believers in Christ to obtain eternal life. Is a precious pearl worth more than eternal life? Absolutely not. But the fact is that pearls are a treasure here on this earth. Jesus is teaching future generations using a pearl symbolically, for mankind will always treasure pearls. A pearl is precious here on this earth presently and this earth is not the "new heaven" YET. What is precious here is not precious in heaven. YOU are precious in heaven. Precious gold here in today's world is but pavement on the roads in heaven. Eternal life is everlasting and does not become a commodity for other material items (e.g. pearls are sold and traded for other material objects) which will die with the new earth and the new heaven. However, the "new heaven and new earth" has not happened yet, and pearls will always be a treasured item of THIS present world. True treasure is eternal life, and eternal life is a transformation from what is finite into what is infinite... physical life ending to spiritual life everlasting. There is only one way to heaven and that is...
"hidden in a field"
The field is the earth. We are hidden in a finite world. The children of the Kingdom here on the earth are treated no differently than slaves. The present state of this earth is temporary just as the body has a temporary existence. We live in this temporary world as slaves but must fulfill the true meaning of life. The meaning of life is to utilize the time that we are given in these temporary shells of flesh into finding and maintaining a relationship with our Creator. The Creator is the One Who has come down here as the way to heaven and He came here in a tent of flesh with the name Jesus.
"When a man found it"
Jesus is the man here. What Jesus found/finds are His sheep. His sheep are the body of believers who are His treasure.
What is the symbolism used in this parable? A pearl. We now will explain the core of this parable...
Sand is an irritant, all men are sand, and all of mankind is an irritant.
"For all men have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God" [Romans 3:23]
Some of the sand found its way into an oyster.
The sand irritated the oyster [ by their sin ] and the oyster coated the sand changing/transforming it into a pearl.
The making of a pearl is done during the grain of sand's "lifetime".
However, pearls do not go to heaven during their lifetime.
"he hid it again",
Upon their death, they are hidden again in the earth [burial].
"and then in his joy went and sold all he had"
Jesus left heaven, came to earth in a tent of flesh and never became an "irritant" because Jesus never committed one sin. Jesus lived a perfect life. He had to live as a grain of sand "in joy" or out of love for us. In doing so He left His Father in heaven.
"and bought that field."
Jesus lived a perfect life and died undeservedly and without justification [for He had no sin]. He paid the price of those grains of sand who irritated the Father with their sin. The earth owes Jesus His life back, but the world cannot pay this debt. Because of this, the world owes and cannot pay. Jesus will take payment in the form of His sheep. For the life the sheep forfeited by sin is paid for by the righteousness of the life of Jesus and the unrighteous death He received.
45"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like"
How are we getting into heaven?
"a merchant looking for fine pearls. "
A merchant buys, sells, or trades. A merchant can buy or sell with money or credit. In this case, Jesus buys the pearls with the credit[s] owed to Him.
What credit[s] is Jesus owed? Anything [any life] He wants. Obviously, this will be the pearls and the pearls represent His sheep/the children of the Kingdom.
46"When he found one of great value,"
The other merchant knew the price would be high.
"he went away and sold everything he had"
Jesus lived a perfect life, never sinned, never owed anybody anything.
"and bought it."
He traded His life for death on the cross as the high cost of the pearls.
Final thought:
Sand is an irritant, all of mankind are irritants.
Some sand [some people] find their way into an oyster.
An oyster has a soft, silky, inside that coats the sand/irritant.
An oyster has a hard shell.
The inside of the oyster is symbolic of the Gospel teaching / teaching of the Holy Spirit. As the sand is exposed to more and more of the Teaching, the layers grow and polish the sand until the sand is encased and becomes a pearl.
The outer shell of the oyster is symbolic of the protection of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit shields the whole process, shields the whole person from the distractions, deviations, and deceptions of the other "merchants" who are Satan, and his followers.
God bless you this week.
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About 3 years ago I dropped into a black hole – four months of absolute terror. I wanted to end my life, but somehow [Holy Spirit], I reached out to a friend who took me to hospital. I had three visits [hospital] in four months – I actually thought I was in hell. I imagine I was going through some sort of metamorphosis [mental, physical & spiritual]. I had been seeing a therapist [1994] on a regular basis, up until this point in time. I actually thought I would be locked away – but the hospital staff was very supportive [I had no control over my process]. I was released from hospital 16th September 1994, but my fear, pain & shame had only subsided a little. I remember this particular morning waking up [home] & my process would start up again [fear, pain, & shame]. No one could help me, not even my therapist [I was terrified]. I asked Jesus Christ to have mercy on me & forgive me my sins. Slowly, all my fear has dissipated & I believe Jesus delivered me from my “psychological prison.” I am a practicing Catholic & the Holy Spirit is my friend & strength; every day since then has been a joy & blessing. I deserve to go to hell for the life I have led, but Jesus through His sacrifice on the cross, delivered me from my inequities. John 3: 8, John 15: 26, are verses I can relate to, organically. He’s a real person who is with me all the time. I have so much joy & peace in my life, today, after a childhood spent in orphanages [England & Australia]. God LOVES me so much. Fear, pain, & shame, are no longer my constant companions. I just wanted to share my experience with you [Luke 8: 16 – 17].
Peace Be With You
Unknown, at 3:04 AM
God bless you for your share. Besides the "psychological" prison, my story is very similar when at a young age I found myself close to death. Not only did I feel the presence of the Lord Jesus and my symptoms were removed to the suprise of medical doctors and I began the process of turning my will and my life over to HIM and it has stayed with me to the point of being one of the strongest relationships I have. My disease was fatal and without a cure. I have been delivered from that disease and have not shown any symptoms. My experience is that I have been delivered from disaster over 5 times during the course of my life! Now that is unwavering proof!
Atheists claim that God is not provable and does not exist. I have the real life experience and the reality of God's saving Grace that can never be denied nor can be taken from me. Faith comes in many ways and sometimes unexpected, but I would NEVER reverse my life if it would mean that I would have never found, experienced, and grown with the Lord.
God bless you brother!
Blogger, at 9:02 AM
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